Thursday, December 31, 2009
2010 TBA
it a couple of hours it will be 2010!! this will be the most different year i will experience in my life the emergence of university it shall be a challenge but a challenge i hope to take on extraordinarly. it will be a fresh start! and i will meet new people in which i hope to learn new things and learn more about this place we call the world. i love other people's opinons on life as it can help you form your own opinions. 2010 HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i watched Where the wild things are yesterday. a movie for children? i beg not...alot of adult themes in the movie, which made it such a good movie. the subtext to the film that i hope people get or they may think it maybe really boring is the effect of divorce, or process of divorce on young children and how they deal with it. they must release the "wild thing" inside to keep sane!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
by autumn gray is becoming one of my fave songs
the lyrics are so meaningfull to me not exacly a love song but it can be
i believe in part true happiness is to be yourself when interacting with others and when people except you for that it just feels amazing, and it also helps show who u can trust and who you can call friends
hold in, for now,
just what threatens to break out
lock it up and throw away the key
head up, face calm,
you know what song you're singing
and you go la di da di da
and you know that we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us in your chorus line
but we're singing out of time
another scandal, bring in the spin you'll handle this
nothing connects a to b
the same old story, the he said she said diary
fairytale to put us all to sleep
and you know, we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us on a merry dance
but we're stepping out of line
you might make your name here
telling others what they want to fear for
but we're not buying it
and you know that we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us in your chorus line
but we're singing out of time
the lyrics are so meaningfull to me not exacly a love song but it can be
i believe in part true happiness is to be yourself when interacting with others and when people except you for that it just feels amazing, and it also helps show who u can trust and who you can call friends
hold in, for now,
just what threatens to break out
lock it up and throw away the key
head up, face calm,
you know what song you're singing
and you go la di da di da
and you know that we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us in your chorus line
but we're singing out of time
another scandal, bring in the spin you'll handle this
nothing connects a to b
the same old story, the he said she said diary
fairytale to put us all to sleep
and you know, we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us on a merry dance
but we're stepping out of line
you might make your name here
telling others what they want to fear for
but we're not buying it
and you know that we're not fooled by the smoke you blow
you can lead us in your chorus line
but we're singing out of time
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
i feel like i should comment, i am well and truly with my score and i hope everyone else can be happy bout theres, or if they are not, know that the enter is not what defines you and is nothing but a number
Monday, December 14, 2009
shitty shitty fuck fuck
Sunday, December 13, 2009
i feel and look like a pervert now, with my bald hair. I act sleazier than usual, this is not me i fear for the people i meet and how i come off on them. then again its just hair, but i feel like a bloody pervert HAHA fukn mosiquitos !!! does it mean summer weather is nearing up on us?
Friday, December 11, 2009
OMFG : )
aint life curious i have just found out two of my closest friends are "seeing" each other or like each or whatever it is. after initial shock and horror : ) im becoming much more happy for them. but seriously so unexpected...sure there were signs but actual truth is crazy. love them both dearly but ... relationships are a thickly thing and i just feel like i will be caught between the crossfire im quite self centred...JD
Thursday, December 10, 2009
my namesake

my blog is called the road less travelled by - a poem by robert frost. my favourite poem:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It give me strength as i make choices in life to not always go the easy, the most followed way, but to always look for new opportunties and ways to enrichen my experiences in life.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
my last blog might be a bit emo..something that i am truly thankful for is the close friends i have in my life, through them i have learnt so many things, i hope i have managed to impart some of my wisdom onto them. For instance one of my friends had told me how people judge them through their education, i am sometimes judge through this, she told me if you didnt help me on my journey, or weren't involved in it at all, btw wishing me good luck on exams is not being involved, then you have no right to tell me how shit or even how good i did. i am unusual, and i know the people who i can trust in my life or call a close friends, love me not inspite of that but because i am unusual. as i do them cus we are not heavenly perfect beings. so when some asks such an awkard judgemental question, especially if i have seen nor spoken to you in like years, i will reply why do i need to answer that you? who are you to me? only few people have that PRIVILEDGE of being in the inner circle

im in a goddam funk...nothing is happening in my life its just stagnating, i need something drastic to happen to me job? Ps? become a hobo? n e thing will do just something that will make my life do a 180. i have never realised how pointless holidays can be when ur stuck babysitting and stuck at home, its deplorable!! as cliche as it is fml? the internet has become my best friend which is so sad, posting on facebook, blogging... i should be living my life as i have finished high school and future is so brightly lit for me UNI and the life that accompanies that. But this little stage in my life has become stupid the novelty of having holidays for 3 months is wearing off IMPORTANT DATE 14TH OF enter score...destroys or makes me and thats the sad truth of it. Life as a hobo is a new metaphor for me it means to live a life of no worries, only have to be reliant on yourself to survive, not disappointing or appeasing any one, not having to be in the service of a tyrannical king. Yes vibol thats what being a hobo is like...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A friend recently told me that a certain some one bad mouths me, not a new thing, i don't care, but makes me think what type of person they are to have such superiority:
You sit in your ivory tower; believe that world revolves around you
But you don’t realise that your tower is built on false prophecy
You believe in your might, you believe you are right
Leaving no room for error, becoming unsinkable
You are black and white and no shades of grey
Judgments are exterior and you feel superior
Everything remains the same, you will win the game
Your actions are holy, and we shall bow
As you become stagnate we shall flow
And weave and lace through the cracks
As the smallest cracks can destroy your tower
And that’s why we will always have the power
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