Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
middle of the night blog about something stupid
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
i hate u facebook
so i had orientation today, and as i was coming home, i was approached by a person who thought i went to UoM as i was holding a melb diary and asked if i went there. which i do haha the thing is i knew who she was, thru fb as in i saw her comment my friends pages and i clicked on her page out of interest and we have same circle of friends so i pressume she would know who i was. so when i asked her what her name was shes like ****** and im like inside omg uleh. bring back the days of meeting people spontaneously and organicly
Sunday, February 21, 2010
cant believe i did that
i promised myself not to get to drunk that i made a fool out of myself, cus there was some poeple there i didnt want to look like a fool infront of. but i drinking does bond with u with ur friends which i need atm as i feel like as uni approaches we shall drift away which is not want i want!! im not trying to say that the drinking is not my fault just a unwise decision
Friday, February 19, 2010
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life
i hate my fukn dreams, hate them hate them hate them. my brains invents the most beautiful person in the world and i have an epic romance with her. i swear to god i hate them so much!! why couldn't my brain invent some ugly person so in the morning ill be like haha ewww, instead u invent some godly being, and i just have to watch it in my brain as i see someone that looks like me date her. i cant even control what they do, in my mind
vibol: vibol dont do that donttt
my brain: fuk u vibol
and i am left feeling so flustered!! and my dreams have to be so in detail, bloody hell if i could draw i could draw her face in every little detail. bloody hell!
vibol: vibol dont do that donttt
my brain: fuk u vibol
and i am left feeling so flustered!! and my dreams have to be so in detail, bloody hell if i could draw i could draw her face in every little detail. bloody hell!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
doctor who
i love this so to all you aliens trying to take over the earth read this beware. FYI A Dalek is a funky alien race void of all emotions, they may be the most hideous alien creation ever made, but oh so interesting to look at
Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
Dalek: Yes, we know who you are.
Harriet Jones: Oh, you know nothing of any human. And that will be your downfall.
a side that no one knows off me i love science fiction wooo doctor who, i am so fukn cool
Monday, February 15, 2010
I'm sorry my friend
these days i ve feel like i ve outgrown you, im sorta sick of your immature crap, mood swings. i know what type of person you are, and i dunno what to expect i guess, i dunno i feel like we arnt compatiable n e more? this being said i ll always be here for you, if you need help call me as i cannot forget what you ve done for me but i dont think i can be as close to you as i was before, its not you its me....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
just to continue v-day theme i wrote a poem-- i hate that its so cheesy
I gave you thy heart, to only get it ripped apart
I gave you thy life , to only get it in strife
I gave you thy hope, to only end up in mope
I was ripped apart, until you gave me your heart
I was in strife, until you gave me life
I was moping, you got me hoping
I gave you thy life , to only get it in strife
I gave you thy hope, to only end up in mope
I was ripped apart, until you gave me your heart
I was in strife, until you gave me life
I was moping, you got me hoping
i hate that
my friends well sorta my fault, i ve ben asking for some new songs as i just need new songs, and the ones they have been telling me to lisenting too are highly romantic!!nothing wrong with romantic songs just that v-day is tomorrow and i am not liking such forced romanticism. makes me want to listen to atreyu - bleeding masacara, when instead i should be lisenting to mariah cariey ft neyo - angels cry well if i had a valentine i would be furthermore inclined, to this point will you be my valentine : ) eff off i aint that needy : P
Friday, February 12, 2010
cook the food when the flame is burning
i read something and it has made me quite happy, i write this in another post as the one below is highly negative and i want this post to beee positveee : ) which makes me have to cook the food when the flame is burning!! but when is the flame burning? ALSO I AM GOING TO SHAVE, WELL I AM MORALLY OK TO SHAVE NOW, ITS ALL ABOUT IF I CAN BE BOTHEREDDD
my inheritance
not having the best day in the world. safe to assume caused by people i share genetics with. it has made made evaluate the good qualities they do have versus the bad ones. so far my list is not good. i want to see the best in them. they raised me and love me but as of this moment i cant see it. to which i ask think, is this the legacy you want to leave me? how you want me to raise my children? my inheritance?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
i love u midnight vegemite

im a goof, im a dork, im a geek, i like cheesy things, i giggle at corny things, i laugh at inappropriate times, if you tell me i can't do something i will do it even if its stupid, i am terribly scared of rats, mouse, possums any small furry animals, would love to have a snake as a pet, to eat all the small furry animals, i create scenarios in my head that are just insane, my dreams sometimes come true :s, when i talk to on the phone, i can talk forever but if i get a little sense of i am annoying you or your getting bored i quickly end it, im not the coolest person in the world, i hope thats ok with u : )
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
deep fried quail
my parents went to a wedding tonight, and it reminded me when i was like 10 when i stayed up till 12 am waiting for them to come back as they would always bring me something back from the wedding such as deep fried quail or prawns in a little doggy bag. i dont do that n e more, i am up past 12 n e way but they brought back quail tonight, not for me but for my younger brothers. those quails were the highlight of my night, i pass the torch to u alex and victor.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
i need to shave
feeling a little dirty, hygiene wise and morally, i may have done something i was not proud of, definitely not proud of!! but life goes on just don't repeat the same mistake now vibol !! to the hygiene portion growing a "moustache" or having one makes me feel dirty, so when i decided i have paid for mistakes i will shave !! so if u see my shaven talk to me i ll be feeling highly sociable
Saturday, February 6, 2010
why must i think so much!
interpreting every little thing, into something bigger, better when most likely just nothing at all...its just thickle!! if only i can read peoples minds, but i would hate that as i would find out what people really think about me and i know that won't be pleasent. i am a huge advocator of civil liberties and privacy so i actually am aganist mind reading WOW i just went on a tangent almost wrote an entire paragraph on mind reading backspace backspace...i ll just stick to the guessing game, the wishing game and the what happen if they do this, what does it mean game --__--"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Have a baby by me, baby! Be a millionaire

[Chorus: Ne-Yo]
I don't play no games (I don't play no games)
So when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang)
Come see what I mean (see what I mean)
See what I mean, owww (see what I mean)
Said lil' mama put me on (baby put me on)
Bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone)
Come see what I mean (see what I mean)
See what I mean (see what I mean)
Come see waht I mean, come come come
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
your the girl that i ve been dreaming of, ever since i was a little boy
shoot me i m feeling affectionate.
Monday, February 1, 2010
dimmed light, fresh smell of rain, beautifull bag
tonight i went to see the band autumn gray, though waiting 2 hours, including listening to the opening act , which weren t all that great but worth it. autumn gray are awesome, when fool me once came on biggest smile on me face. sorry to andrew, cutting his time at the empress short, father troubles zzz... came home parents are asleep, i guess i ll deal with it in the morning. vibol stick to this points when talking to father ENTER AND MELB UNI what more do u want. and american beauty was on when i got home that movie is goddam genius came home for the beautifull bag scene. oh dayumm autumn gray are fking great
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