im a goof, im a dork, im a geek, i like cheesy things, i giggle at corny things, i laugh at inappropriate times, if you tell me i can't do something i will do it even if its stupid, i am terribly scared of rats, mouse, possums any small furry animals, would love to have a snake as a pet, to eat all the small furry animals, i create scenarios in my head that are just insane, my dreams sometimes come true :s, when i talk to on the phone, i can talk forever but if i get a little sense of i am annoying you or your getting bored i quickly end it, im not the coolest person in the world, i hope thats ok with u : )
my favourite post. check out my post 'mong and bird', it's partly inspired by this :)
ReplyDelete: ) Mong is so cool. Bird is cooler though.