so at 4am i turned on the tv to watch the soccer match: england vs algeria. that was a disappointing match DRAW SRSLY? ENGLAND? when that finished i decided to go on a internet splurge, youtubing and various other internet activities that required some serious bandwidth. side note: i have a sucky internet plan i have 30 gigs worth of uploads and downloads....THIS IS NOT ENOUGH I WANT TO SHOOT MYSELF IN THE HEAD!! stupid plan my mum made us go on so we could get unlimited calls to any mobile or landline from the home phone. i digress... i decided to read some blogs well just one which was hyperboleandahalf and it was so hilarious made my morning seriously i probably read on 10% of her entire blogs so i still have a long way to go filled with humour hahaha. side not there euro was left at home : D. called D to go get breakfast at maccas. 2 sausage egg muffins and three hash brown later i was full. not entirely happy with the morning's takings decided to go glen for some quality coffee cause maccas coffee? questionable.

so driving to glen waverly we drive pass the adidas factory building i didnt notice what was happening there but D told me to pull over and i was wondering why? cause i saw him looking outside the windows and i was sort of panicking thing there was damage to the side of the car. so i pulled over and parked the car, D told me that there was an insane amount of people crowding around the adidas building and he thought that they were having their huge factory sale. to my delight they were. to describe what was going on in the building will be a hard task, i would have taken a picture but the overwhelming feelings of hunting down for a bargain got over me and i was in an insane shopping mode.
do u remember those scenes in movies where there was a huge sale and a mass of people fighting over clothes? this was this situations i may or may not have been fighting people for apparel. the sale was something like 10$ clothing and 50$ shoes. it was hardcore, i ran to the shoe section and bought myself a nice pair of shoes, quite pleased with that. i then went to the clothing sections and well chaos ensued, i was looking through the boxes and being hissed at, byelderly women: ' THATS MY BOX OF CLOTHING, FK OFF' i could not handle such animalistic imagery, so i floated around the clothing sections looking for clothes, nothing appealed to me, then we headed off, to glen had our drinks and went back home. i was home by 11am so it was a pretty intense morning.

i usually sleep around 3-4am wake up at 12pm and the baggs under my eyes will testify to this effect. but it was quite fun being up that early being entertain by allie brosh and youtube and D and crazed adidas shoppers. im not an early bird but it was a fun experiment.

p.s just wanted to say to allie brosh before she sues me for mimicking her style on her blog, just wanted to pay tribute to you thats all cause i think your awesome!!! tribute = lol, not that u died.
HAHAA vibol, your drawings are so funny. esp. that guy in corner in the maccas one.